Tango Bitch Mode (image courtesy of Morguefile.com.) Warning: This post is ranty This may be due to lack of cookies and coffee or it might not. I want to question a few things that tango dancers have been posting on blogs, Twitter and Facebook comments, surveys etc.. There seem to be a few declarations of would-be t ango community solidarity, that don't seem (to me) to be all that much about community and solidarity. "We need to attract more dancers," when they really mean, "we need to attract more dancers that I want to dance with and who will dance with me." What makes me think this? If a dancer posts how disappointed, even cheated, they feel when there are too many of their role at a milonga and they don't get to dance, but then rejoice when the gender/role imbalance works in their favor -- I question how badly they really mean "attract more dancers." Attracting more dancers to the scene because it's healthy for the ...
"El infinito tango me lleva hacia todo" - Borges