As you may or may not have noticed, the URL for this blog, and for Leona Training for Dancers, has changed to and respectively. It was long overdue, I was just nervous that the transfer would not go well. Mostly it went fine but there have been a couple of hiccups. (And if you happened to be reading this blog while I was going through my experimentation phase of "Let's try this . . . and this . . . and maybe this other thing," with the layout and template - thanks for your patience.) The biggest hiccup is that my extensive, and up-to-date, Tango Blog List got completely blown away. It's not even in the backup, which I don't understand, but there we are. I need help from you dear readers to try to build it again. If you can, please send me your own tango blog links, and the blogs that you like so that I can compile the blog roll again. Meanwhile, above there is a tab for my Tango Blogs page, but the page is not as ...
"El infinito tango me lleva hacia todo" - Borges