I've been working on this post for over 2 months. (Insert exasperated sigh here.) I'm still getting emails, having conversations, asking questions. I thought I would wait to publish until I was done, but like all things on this tango journey - this will never be "done." When I began looking into the question I got most from leaders, of what women want from them, a whole new road opened up. I started to hear, from followers and leaders, common attributes applied to their favorite dance partners. I also started to hear a description pop up again and again. "This dancer . . . heals my terrible day, . . . heals some old wounds, . . . rejuvenates my spirit." I started to hear about more than good dances, but also about healing dancers . I've written about my own experiences with certain "painkiller" leaders - but I thought I was the in the minority in that experience. Then the emails started. In my GMail folder on thi...
"El infinito tango me lleva hacia todo" - Borges