(Picture courtesy of Morguefile.com ) The Fandango de Tango festival is over and I'm back at work, trying to remember what it is I do in the daylight hours. I must be dreaming music at night because when I wake up, the silence around me is heavy and sudden - like someone switching off a radio. I think I danced more at this festival than any previous one I've attended. Five milongas (no classes) - and then I danced again at our local Monday night milonga at Cafe Medici. I wish I could go tonight. I'm pushing off the inevitable tango hangover, but it's coming. I can feel it. The biggest lesson I learned this weekend - nothing beats just asking for what you need . I think I need to tattoo that on my hand so I don't forget. I danced far more than I thought I would be able to, but it wasn't easy. By the third night it was clear to me, and probably to many of my partners, I wasn't going to be able to keep up the pace. Saturday night, at le...
"El infinito tango me lleva hacia todo" - Borges