" . . . tango is what remains when you remove all movement, when the only thing that is left is feeling." - Carlos Gavito, (1) Three steps forward, two steps back. At least I have made some progress. But I am still rushing. Still moving too soon. And too fast. Falling away. Tango, it seems, can't undo a lifetime of constantly moving. Constantly running - always closing the doors behind me. It's exhausting to keep moving - but terrifying to stop. To wait. To listen. Sometimes stopping feels a lot like suffocating. What am I so afraid of? Feeling? Possibly. Entrega ? Sometimes. El duende ? Frequently. But even those aren't really it. Maybe that there will be nothing. Not the little nothings that inhabit tiny gaps in our day. Those traveling moments of suspension between one thing and the next thing. Falling forward into the next moment. Not those. Big nothing . Thunderous silence in the absence of. . . . of? the absence of what? The absence of me ? Expanded. Disp...
"El infinito tango me lleva hacia todo" - Borges