Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness . Marshall McLuhan Tuesday at Texas French Bread Milonga with Glover Gill Glover Gill at Texas French Bread Bakery's Tuesday Milonga As always, I had so many wonderful dances with generous, gifted and warm-hearted tangueros at TFB. What is it about that place that brings such a beautiful feeling? I was in a state of joy from just about beginning to end. A tall tanguero arrived from out of town. We had danced before, but I was a little bit greener then. (Okay, I'm still green...) I couldn't quite remember - did we dance close? Was I still keeping my distance then? Seems like ages ago . . . He asked with a nod, and I accepted. At the edge of the crowded dance floor, he offered his close embrace. I wonder if he noticed I was relieved. The music started and in a moment I found it - the sweet spot on his chest. I could hear the music through him. Even the crazy Santana piece later. (Things get a little wild tow...
"El infinito tango me lleva hacia todo" - Borges